
An Economic Solution to Universal Care

The GammaBeam™ 100-80 is a new design based on the reliable Theratron Phoenix that offers more functionality, safety and improved user interface.  Its basic design makes it simple to use and easy to maintain while maximizing reliability where service support is limited.  Moreover, the compact control console makes basic functions intuitive, thereby reducing the complexity of operator training while augmenting its patient treatment capacity.


GammaBeam™ 100-80 is an evolution of the Theratron / GammaBeam line of treatment devices and through our years of development and servicing we have gained the knowledge to build robust and reliable units.


The Interlock system, along with the IEC design standards used to develop the GammaBeam™ 100-80, make the system safe and reliable.  The seamless battery back-up included allows for continued treatment for an additional 4 hours after loss of power.


The use of a new graphical touch screen user interface makes the entry of treatment parameters logical and easy.  Interlock messages are clearly displayed and easily interpreted to allow for rapid correction of incorrect settings.


The GammaBeam™ 100-80, if required, can include a Beamstopper to help with room shielding.  Best Theratronics can provide the highest activity sources in the industry resulting in an output of 390 cGy per min at 80 cm.  The high activity sources allow for faster treatment times, which improve throughout.