Medequips is a family run company dealing with High Technology, electromedical equipment. Medequips specializes in providing customers with state of the art, high technology equipments used for diagnostic imaging. As representatives of various top companies from around the world, Medequips caters to the private as well as public sector, providing medical equipment for hospitals and clinics, and is dedicated to serving the medical community of Pakistan.
We take great pride in our after sales service. With over 100 trained engineers and a huge investment in spare parts inventory, we thrive to provide unpararalleed after-sales services.
Some of the world renowned companies represented by Medequips include; Canon Medical, Accuray, Best Theratronics, Nihon Kohden, Atom, Konica Minolta, , Neusoft, Paramount beds, Cadwell, Bayer-Medrad, Metaltronica, Apelem, Primax.
Our phililosphy is to help the medical community in Pakistan in serving patients.
Our installed base includes;
1:• Over 50 MRI machines
2: • Over 250 CTscanners
3: • Over 100 Angiography Machines
4: • Over 25 Cobalt-60 machines
5: • Over 1000 Xray systems
6: • Over 1000 Color dopplers
7: • 2 Cyber knife Robotic Radio-surgery systems
8: • Over 200 CR and DR systems
NOTE: These are based on figures from 2018.